LUMINOUS brightening apple day cream

A vitamin cocktail that moisturizes, brightens and energizes the skin, winning recognition at the Love Cosmetics Awards 2019.

(7 customer reviews)




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Manufacturer Details

MANUFACTURER: Natural Element Sp. z o.o.

ADRESS: ul. Biały Kamień 2/10, 02-593 Warsaw, Poland


Explore the other products in the series:



respondents confirmed that the tested product has a moisturizing effect.


respondents confirmed that the tested product leaves the skin optimally moisturized. The skin regains uniform color and radiates energy and health.


respondents confirm that the tested product reduces visible signs of fatigue.

*Effects noted by those testing LUMINOUS brightening day cream:

If you want to get addicted to the cream then buy this one. I don't know what's more addictive about it, whether the texture or the effect or the smell. Or maybe all of them at the same time. But I know women who can't live without it.

How to use?

Apply a small amount of the cream to cleansed skin on the face, neck and décolleté, massaging gently until completely absorbed. Use every morning to provide your skin with protection and radiance for the day.

Avoid direct exposure of the skin to intense sunlight.


At Phenomé, we believe that nature hides the most accurate answers to human skin's needs. Learn more about skin care.

Frequently asked questions

As promised by our brand, the first results are visible after just 5 days of application.

Of course, this cream was created with daytime application in mind! Thanks to its lightweight texture, the cream absorbs quickly, creating the perfect base for makeup, while providing hydration and brightening to the skin.

Yes, the cream’s formula contains soothing ingredients such as aloe vera and chamomile to reduce irritation and promote regeneration of sensitive skin. All of our brand’s cosmetics are tested on allergic and sensitive skins to make sure they are gentle.

Product Reviews


Brilliant product. For several years I have been looking for products where quality and composition create a product with the best performance. The product brilliantly moisturizes, the skin has a beautiful color , even glowing. It smells delicately. I recommend for fans of natural products. And thanks , this is another company I recommend for its 100% natural composition. Women pamper women ! Keep it up !
At first, the cream seemed too light to me. However, because I used it longer and regularly, I noticed that my skin is permanently nourished and I feel less and less often that it wants to “drink” (now, instantly!) 🙂 I use for day and night. Now I'm also going to try the night cream from the same series. For a while I switched to a cheaper and greasier cream from another brand, however, my skin only got drier. I'm going back to the apple from Phenomé!
Great moisturizer, does not leave a greasy film on the skin and does not clog. Beautiful fragrance, nice texture.
This is my No. 1 among creams. I have been using it for more than 2 years. I have oily, vascular skin. I use this cream both for day and night, as recommended to me by a cosmetologist from Phenome. This cream is the only one that leaves a photoshop effect on my skin - my skin is glowing afterwards, but not glowing, it just looks healthy. I hope it will never be discontinued.
I have mature,dry and sensitive skin,the cream has dealt with it perfectly,it absorbs very well and smells beautifully,RECOMMENDED
My favorite cream for summer!!! Light but substantive. The skin is moisturized and tightened. And the smell!
I'm so happy I discovered the apple series 1.5 years ago. Since then I have used up many jars and my dry, tired and sensitive skin is finally properly moisturized and beautifully glowing. The day cream is lightweight, absorbs quickly and immediately after application I can do my makeup without worry. I highly recommend it!

7 reviews for LUMINOUS brightening apple day cream

  1. Polish


    Jestem szczęśliwa, że 1,5 roku temu odkryłam serię jabłkową. Od tamtej pory zużyłam już wiele słoiczków, a moja sucha, zmęczona i wrażliwa skóra jest w końcu odpowiednio nawilżona i pięknie rozświetlona. Krem na dzień jest lekki, szybko się wchłania i od razu po aplikacji mogę zrobić makijaż bez obaw. Bardzo polecam!

  2. Polish


    Mój ulubiony krem na lato!! Lekki, ale treściwy. Skóra jest nawilżona i napięta. I ten zapach!

  3. Polish


    Mam skórę dojrzałą,suchą i wrażliwą,krem doskonale sobie z nią poradził,bardzo dobrze się wchłania, a przy tym pięknie pachnie, POLECAM

  4. Polish


    To jest mój nr 1 wśród kremów. Używam go od ponad 2 lat. Mam cerę tlustą, naczynkową. Tego kremu używam zarówno na dzien jak i na noc, jak poleciła mi pani kosmetolog z Phenome. Ten krem jako jedyny zostawia na mojej skórze efekt fotoszopa- skóra jest po nim rozswietlona, ale nie świecąca, wygląda po prostu zdrowo. Mam nadzieję, że nigdy nie zostanie wycofany.

  5. Polish


    Świetnie nawilża, nie pozostawia tłustego filmu na skórze i nie zapycha. Piękny zapach, miła konsystencja.

  6. Polish


    Na początku krem wydawał mi się zbyt lekki. Jednak bo dłuższym i regularnym stosowaniu zauważyłam, że skóra jest trwale odżywiona i coraz rzadziej odczuwam, że chce jej się "pić" (teraz, natychmiast!) 🙂 Używam na dzień i na noc. Teraz spróbuję także kremu na noc z tej samej serii. Na chwilę przerzuciłam się na tańszy i bardziej tłusty krem innej marki jednak skóra tylko się wysuszyła. Wracam do jabłuszka od Phenomé!

  7. Polish


    Genialny produkt. Od kilku lat szukam produktów, gdzie jakość i skład tworzą produkt z najlepszym działaniem. Produkt genialnie nawilża, skóra ma piękny kolor , wręcz rozświetlony. Pachnie delikatnie. Polecam dla fanek naturalnych produktów. I dziękuje , że to kolejna firma, jaką polecam za jej 100 % naturalny skład. Kobiety rozpieszczają kobiety ! Tak trzymać !

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